...when a girl's fancy turns toward horror movies. The 2013 edition of the October Horror Movie Challenge is a mere month and a half away, and it's time to start planning.
The rules are simple: watch 31 horror movies over the course of October. You can watch them in any order: one a day, 31 in a week if you can manage it, whatever floats your boat. You can watch more movies than just 31, of course, and watching LOTS of horror movies is always a badge of honor for the Challengers. The only stipulation is that at least 16 of the movies you watch must be movies you've never seen before.
Beyond this, you can vary things however you like. Watch nothing but new to you movies. Watch nothing but foreign movies. Watch nothing but classics in black and white. One variation I encourage is to watch movies for charity. For every horror movie you watch, donate a nominal amount to a charity of your choice. I normally support the Multiple Sclerosis Society, but it's up to you. My friend, Aaron Christensen over at Horror 101 actually collects pledges for his charity, and that's cool too. And it's cool if you don't want to do it. This is for fun, after all.
Anyway, here are this year's October Challenge Banners. I made two different varieties this year rather than the one I usually make. I've included all of the previous year's banners if you like those, too. They're still good. Let me know in the comments if you plan to participate on your own blog or tumblr or whatever, and I can add you to the master post and the daily updates that will be coming throughout the month of October. And feel free to discuss the challenge either here, on Twitter, on the IMDB's horror board (where the challenge originated), or at the Challenge's Facebook Page.
I love your choice of The Thing this year, Christianne. While I won't be participating for the first time since I came to the imdb horror board, your banner, once again, is absolutely cool.
I am totally in. I Am already lining up my movies.
I'll be participating on my blog as usual. http://expelledgreymatter.blogspot.com/
I will be joining for the first time ever this year! But I have been watching a horror movie a day since 2011! I will be blogging about the movies! http://horrifyingreviews.tumblr.com
P.S my blog is all about horror movies :)
It's my first time actually doing this challenge, can't wait! I will be blogging about it :) http://horrifyingreviews.tumblr.com
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