
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The October Country

The October Horror Movie Challenge is upon us again. The rules are simple: watch 31 horror movies in the month of October with 16 of them (or more) being movies you've never seen before. Hopefully, my horror movie friends will all blog about their experiences. I'm going to try to blog about it every day, an insane pace that I may not be able to keep. We shall see.

I made the above graphic for this year's challenge. Feel free to borrow it to use on your own blog or web site this year.

The game is afoot!


  1. I plan on doing this. There are quite a few classics I have always looked over in the past. It might be a grueling event ;-D

  2. A little link your way from my way, here.

  3. I am thinking about joining in!

  4. Hi, Wings! Thanks. And good luck to you, too. It's not for the squeamish.
